Building For Change
The 9th International Society of Construction Law Conference recently took place with the theme ‘Building For Change’.
Over 280 delegates joined the two-day programme filled with keynote speakers and panelists from around the world.
The virtual conference explored construction law as it relates to contracts, negligence, product liability and dispute resolution through keynote and specialist presentations, along with two streams covering 23 different panel sessions. Two small meeting hubs were also available in Christchurch and Wellington giving delegates the opportunity to connect while accessing the live streams.
“The format of this conference couldn’t have changed any more than what it set out to be three years ago when SCL NZ won the bid, as COVID-19 had other ideas. However, the committee soldiered on and were determined to deliver the conference virtually and what a huge success it was!” says Emma Prattley, Conference Organiser and Project Manager at Conference Innovators.
Stuart Robertson, SCL (NZ) President & Conference Convenor says, “We are extremely pleased with how well the online conference platform was received and the positive engagement by those attending from all over the world,”