CI bringing the first international conference to Te Pae Christchurch

Te Pae Christchurch

Te Pae Christchurch

CI is proud to be bringing the first international conference to Te Pae - Christchurch’s state-of-the-art convention centre due for completion in 2020.

The 11th INTECOL International Association for Ecology International Wetlands Conference (18-23 October 2020) is set to bring more than 1,000 academics, researchers and experts from around the world to Ōtautahi.

With the theme of ‘Traditional Knowledge and Innovative Science’ attendees will come together to share stories around wetland traditional knowledge and uses.

The Conference will be the first international event to be held in Te Pae, Christchurch’s stunning new meeting space which promised an ‘experience like no other.’ With a 1,400 seat auditorium, 24 meeting rooms and a 200 booth exhibition hall, Te Pae is shaping up to be a world-class addition to the Christchurch and New Zealand convention and events scene.

CI has been operating in Christchurch for 25 years and it’s only fitting we’re the first PCO to host an international conference in Te Pae! We can’t wait to show attendees everything our vibrant and dynamic home town has to offer.